If you’re like most people…

You pay very little attention to your 401k…

And probably even less attention to the 401ks you still have at your prior employers.

First the bad news.

Many 401k plans offer only a small list of mutual funds to choose from. Typically, these funds are managed by the likes of Vanguard, BlackRock, etc.

That’s right, the same financial firms that are using the voting power of the stock held in their funds to push a “woke” liberal agenda on corporate America.

Let me repeat that – they’re using your 401ks to advance their agenda.

Now the good news.

Employees today are likely to work for several employers over the course of their career and did you know that once you leave your employer you can move your 401k to a rollover IRA? 

While there are pros & cons to consider before rolling over a 401k*, one positive is you have more investment options. Much more.

In an IRA account you can select from a large selection of Mutual Funds & ETFs, not to mention, individual stocks and Bonds, to construct a diversified portfolio tailored to your goals.

And the best part?

You can retain the voting rights over the shares of stock held in your IRA, unlike investing through funds in your 401k.

So, next time you get your old 401k statement, don’t just throw it away. Instead, contact one of our financial advisors here at Constitution Wealth to see what options are available to you!

It may end up doing more for your future, and freedom, than you realize.

* Speak with a financial advisor to determine what the best course of action is for you.