Here at Constitution Wealth, we believe we are nothing without a strong foundation of Core Values. 

Here are ours:

  1. Our first Core Value here at Constitution Wealth comes from The Bible. The Bible is the foundation of American values, and the principles outlined in the Bible such as the Golden Rule, the Ten Commandments, and the teachings of Jesus, provide a moral compass for American society. The Bible’s teachings on justice, compassion, and the importance of treating others with dignity and respect are foundational to American society and should be upheld.
  2. The United States of America is a free country and a net positive to the world due to its constitutional republic system of government, which allows for individual freedom and the protection of civil rights. The country has a long history of promoting and defending democracy, human rights, and the rule of law around the world. The U.S. has also been a leader in technological innovation, economic development, and cultural exchange. Additionally, the United States has been a significant contributor to international humanitarian aid and disaster relief efforts. 
  3. The Constitution & Bill of Rights are essential and must be upheld. The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights are essential documents that establish the framework of the American government and protect the rights and freedoms of American citizens. The Constitution, which was adopted in 1787, establishes the structure and powers of the federal government, including the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) and the system of checks and balances between them. The Bill of Rights, which were the first of ten amendments of the Constitution, was added in 1791, and they specifically protect the rights of individuals and limit the power of the government. These rights include freedom of speech, religion, and the press, the right to bear arms, and the right to a fair trial. It’s important to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights as they are the foundation of the United States constitutional republic system and the protection of individual rights. They are also a model for many other countries around the world that have adopted similar systems of government and protection of rights. In order to maintain a free and just society, it’s crucial that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are upheld.
  4. Our rights are given to us by God and protected by our Constitution. The government isn’t the source of our rights, so it can’t take them away. Individual rights are not granted by the government, but rather they are inherent and pre-existing. This idea is often rooted in the concept of natural rights or rights granted by God, which hold that certain rights are inherent to all human beings, regardless of the government that may or may not exist. This is reflected in the Declaration of Independence, which states that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This means that these rights are not granted by any government, but rather they are inherent to all individuals and cannot be taken away by any government. According to this idea, the role of government is to protect and defend these inherent rights, rather than to grant or take them away. Therefore, if a government attempts to take away or infringe upon these rights, it is acting outside of its proper role and can be considered illegitimate.
  5. The sanctity of life and the family unit must be protected, including the unborn. The statement “The sanctity of life and the family unit must be protected, including the unborn,” reflects our belief that human life is sacred and that the family unit is an essential aspect of society that must be protected. We hold that human life is sacred from the moment of conception and that the family unit is the fundamental building block of society. The unborn should be protected, as they are human beings with inherent value and rights. Abortion is morally wrong as it ends the life of an unborn child and that it undermines the family unit. Society has an obligation to protect the most vulnerable members of society, including the unborn. Our belief also influences the understanding of the role of government in relation to these issues. Government has a duty to protect the sanctity of life and the family unit and to pass laws that reflect this belief. This often includes support for pro-life policies and laws, such as laws that restrict or ban abortion, and laws that support and strengthen the family unit.
  6. People should be seen for their character, not their skin color, gender, or ethnicity. Individuals should be judged and treated based on their actions, values, and behaviors rather than their physical characteristics, gender, or ethnicity. This belief is often associated with the principles of equality and fairness, and the idea that all individuals should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their background. Individuals should not be discriminated against or treated differently based on their skin color, gender, or ethnicity, as these characteristics have no bearing on an individual’s worth or abilities. People should be judged based on their character, their contributions, and their ability to contribute to society. Society has an obligation to create a level playing field, where everyone has the same opportunities to succeed and where everyone is treated with the same dignity and respect. Government has a duty to protect the rights of all individuals and to pass laws that reflect this belief.
  7. Medical mandates are an infringement on individual rights. Individuals should have autonomy over their own bodies and healthcare decisions, and the government should not have the power to impose medical mandates on citizens. The principles of individual freedom, self-sovereignty, and privacy are in force here. Individuals have the right to make their own medical decisions, free from government interference. Medical mandates, such as mandatory vaccinations or mask-wearing, are an infringement on individual rights and personal autonomy. Government should not be able to force individuals to take specific medical actions or treatments, as this violates the right to bodily autonomy and self-sovereignty. The government’s role in healthcare should be limited to protecting the rights of individuals and providing them with information and resources so they can make informed decisions, but not to impose mandates on them.